

hello world testing


Haven Cornell

The LGBTQ+ Student Union at Cornell University

Timeline October 2019 to December 2019

Who is Haven?

Our client is Haven: Cornell’s LGBTQ+ Student Union. The campus organization’s primary goal is to create spaces for LGBTQ+ education, community, and service. Within Haven, there are 11 sub-organizations, which have different purposes and caters to the various needs of people from different backgrounds and identities. The primary purpose of this website, as specified by our client, is to provide comprehensive resources that are readily accessible to any students who may be in need of these services and information. In addition, it is important to convey the mission and structure of Haven, as a student organization that serves as an umbrella over a multitude of speciality orgs within the LGBTQ+ community.

Your fellow LGBTQ students have spaces and resources for you.
— Zoe Roberts, President of Haven

The Top Priorities

Following our in-depth client-interviews, we synthesized our notes to identity four primary client needs

  • Clearly convey Haven’s organization structure

  • Protect the privacy of facilitators and users

  • Accessible resources for LGBTQ students

  • Connect students to current Haven E-board members

Who is Haven’s Audience?

The target audience for Haven’s website is Cornell’s LGBTQ students who are unfamiliar with the student union and wish to be involved in the Cornell LGBTQ community.

We spoke to several members in this target group to better understand their needs and goals and how the website redesign can best serve the interests.

  • Learn about general information and additional resources at Haven

  • Learn about how to get involved with Haven and leadership opportunities

  • Connect with other students involved with Haven and in the LGBTQ community

Brainstorming and Ideation

cardsort1 copy.JPG

Activity Notes

We organized our user interviews and sorted them into the affinity diagram pictured to the left


Jonathan Mercedes, Designer

Amy Qiu, Developer

Yunyun Wang, Designer and Developer (backend)